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How do Programmers Think?

Remember, I too am a humble student, learning how to code just like you. A noob, if you will.

This blog is just a container of nuggets I sift out that seem worthy to share. Whether these are gold nuggets or turd nuggets is up to you to decide, but here they are either way. 

And here’s another one: how do programmers think? Aside from “smartly”, I mean. What workings of thought make them uniquely qualified to do their jobs? 

Some form of this question came to mind as I was watching this mock software engineer interview video from FreeCodeCamp (would highly recommend checking it out):

As I gather: programmers are good at abstract problem-solving. 

From the ether, within invisible realms, programmers need to use the tools provided to them by their programming languages. Even before getting to the coding part, programmers need to mentally deconstruct and dissect the real-world problems they’re faced with so they can understand how best to approach them. 

An example of a real-world problem: a customer wants to build an app that tells tourists where to find the best pizza in the towns they visit. That’s a problem because the app is not yet built, and it’s up to programmers to find the solution. 

For fun, think about how you would solve that problem. How would you build this app? If you’d like, take a minute to think about it.

I would start by finding a way to agglomerate all restaurants that sell pizza in any given town. Then I would rank them based on customer ratings. Finally, I’d recommend the highest-rated pizzas to users. Simple, done…

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Obviously, implementing that into a tangible app requires a ton of time, patience, knowledge, and a lot more. But if you were committed to finishing this app as per the customer’s desire, all you’d have to do is solve each new branch of problems as they arise. 

And that’s what programmers do - they address the issues that arise in their projects one-by-one, despite the compounding way in which these issues appear.

Slaying the Hydra might seem impossible at first, but all Hercules has to do is try his best. Keep hacking at it and eventually, the root problem will be solved. 

Solve the problem of your non-membership here by becoming a member of this website. That’s an easy one for you. Stay tuned for our next nugget.

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