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Programming Jobs Will Never Die - an Uplifting Piece by Rocco Bambace

Updated: Mar 31

Fear not fellow and aspiring programmers: your studies are and were not for naught!

With the rise of Chat GPT and now Devin, entry-level software engineers have their eyes glued to their own backs, waiting to be heralded by HR for a little chat. And those studying to enter the industry can easily fall into shambles at the thought of their efforts going to waste.

The encroachment of AI is a valid concern. But remember, fear of loss is the first step toward the dark side. 

Those of us cowering under the specter of automation have forgotten a profound truth: that the essence of programming extends beyond the mere writing of code. 

This discipline — nay, this artform — was founded on problem-solving, creativity, and innovation. These uniquely human qualities transcend the capabilities of even the most advanced AI. 

Programming is about understanding complex systems, breaking them down into manageable parts, and parsing through them with elegant solutions. Aside from technical prowess, it requires intuition, curiosity, and the ability to work with others as a team. 

AI is an incredibly impressive and useful tool that excels at a myriad of tasks, including code generation. It’s here to assume routine duties and free up resources so that programmers can focus on higher-level tasks. It doesn’t possess the creativity and drive of the human mind. It’s not here to replace human programmers. 

So chin up. Cheerio. Don’t worry so much about it. The combination of timing, temperature, and countless trillions of ingredients that encompass all of what you are is so beyond the scope of any generative AI filling the role of code monkey. 

That’s not to disrespect AI, as it is super innovative and useful. Let’s all do just that - use AI as the incredible tool that it is and allow it to boost our workflow. That’s what it’s here for. 

And that’s that. Become a site member to be notified of our next piece of uplifting and informative content. Till then, smile :]

Laugh, even xD

Just don’t cry ;-)

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